Sherry Guppy, Lead Artist

Sherry Guppy is a visual artist and arts educator originally from Temagami. Her art practice has been inspired and informed by many of the places she has lived: the traditional lands of n’Daki Menan, The Downtown East Side of Vancouver, the working class neighbourhood of Sudbury’s Flour Mill, and Oaxaca, Mexico. She shares a deep commitment to recovering and sharing stories and history through multi-disciplinary intergenerational collaboration, and this underlying approach resonates deeply within her creative process.  Her work is also informed by a feminist framework of rich narrative, her working class background, and models of popular education.

Sherry’s artistic life has been multi-faceted; she has been an arts educator developing and delivering arts curricula in urban, regional and rural settings, and she has also been a painter, printmaker, designer, muralist, writer, community researcher, project coordinator, and curator. Her visual arts and community arts practice is now focused on mixed media, integrating visual art forms with narrative. In 2009 she was invited to join Aanmitaagzi, where she became a core artist specializing in visual art through arts education, collaboration, duration, installation and production of new work. She also participated in further exploration and development in project installation and process through an ongoing professional exchange between Jumblies Theatre and Aanmitaagzi to further collaborative engagement in divergent communities.